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Sexual Health Circus

The Sexual Health Circus is a new ‘circus in education’ project. They have combined circus and theatre to develop an informative show and film engaging young people with Relationship and Sex Education (RSE). 

The live Sexual Health Circus show can come to your school or youth organisation for a live educational circus experience! After the show, we hold an anonymous Q&A, answering as many of the young people’s varied questions, filling in the gaps in young people's knowledge. 

Our latest educational film of the Sexual Health Circus show is embedded into 5 comprehensive Relationship and Sex Education lesson plans with resources for teachers to deliver. The lesson plans have been quality-assured by the sexual health charity Brook.  The film and lesson plans work as a stand alone package or as follow on learning from the live show. The show and lessons cover the following topics:

  1. Sexual Orientation
  2. Gender identity (with a short intro about what is sex)
  3. Consent
  4. Un/healthy relationships
  5. Pornography
  6. Nudes
  7. Contraception
  8. STIs
  9. Pleasure (self-pleasure, anatomy and shared pleasure)
  10. Rights & Responsibilities.

For more information or to get in touch please visit Sexual Health Circus.