We are a team of professionals providing educational talks, workshops and training sessions for students, teachers and parents. We work with a range of ages and stages across the UK and beyond. Whether it is puberty or pornography, sexting or STIs, contraception or consent, festivals or freshers week that you are worried about, we can help your school navigate these tricky terrains.
Our sessions are straight-talking, open and honest. We take the awkwardness out of these sensitive topics so that young people really hear us and are able to ask the many questions they have – in a safe space. We work closely with your curriculum and pastoral teams to support and extend the RSHE work you are already doing.
Outside speakers play a huge role in RSHE. A different voice, delivering up-to-date and relevant information, in the right way, really can help young people make better choices and so avoid physical and emotional harm. Or at the very least, know how to recognise a problem and get out of a muddle. We don’t tell them NOT to do these things. We say ‘it happens… so let’s talk about it’.
Website: www.ithappens.education