Jigsaw Education Group programmes help children learn the language, vocabulary and techniques to build their self-esteem, confidence and full emotional repertoire. We take a school wide approach, supporting teachers to create a learning environment that permeates all parts of school life.
Our programmes provide a progressive and spiral curriculum, linked assemblies and songs, adult modelling, outdoor lessons, social games at lunchtime, understanding of different worldviews, leading ultimately to a set of shared values and behaviours that become the fabric of the way a school functions.
For Years EYFS - Age 16
- 400+ lesson plans accompanied with supporting resources, assemblies, original songs and knowledge organisers
- Whole-school spiral approach
- Mindfulness embedded
- Up-to-date webinar and CPD programmes
- Meets all statutory RSHE requirements
- Mapping Documents
- Knowledge Organisers
- Parent Access
- Newsletter updates
- Jigsaw Friends distancing tools
- Additional programmes available;
Outdoors – enhancing learning opportunities Outdoors
Families – designed to support families build string, loving relationships
Connects – FREE match-making service, for schools who want to work together, with Jigsaw PSHE as their initial common ground. - REST / resilience scale built in
Staff Training and support
Webinars and dedicated mentors
Website: jigsaweducationgroup.com
Contact: [email protected]