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Surrey Healthy Schools – Surrey County Council

Surrey Healthy Schools is a whole system approach that works strategically across Surrey County Council. Its focus is to prioritise the wellbeing, health and achievement of children, young people, staff, parents/carers and communities across the local authority. Driven by reducing inequalities Surrey Healthy Schools takes a normative and strengths based approach towards effective skills and knowledge development.

Surrey Healthy Schools provides support, training, guidance, information and updates relevant to Personal, Social, Health, Economics (PSHE) Education and a wide range of  related areas including safeguarding, additional needs, physical activity, healthy eating, strategic school development and emotional wellbeing and mental health. The approach supports, and is supported by local authority services, partners and the third sector.

“Engaging in Surrey Healthy Schools hasn’t created work, it allowed us to draw effective practice together.” (Surrey School)

Surrey Healthy Schools website & information: Surrey Healthy Schools.