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Young people's RSE poll 2024

11 April 2024

A nationwide poll of young people’s experiences of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in schools shows quality is improving, but a lack of consistent inclusivity drives many to online sources for information. 

The poll, carried out by Censuswide and commissioned by Sex Education Forum was completed by 1001 young people. The fieldwork took place between 16 and 26 February 2024, and finds that:

·         50% of young people report their RSE provision as good or very good – the highest number since our polling began

·         Yet only 43% of students feel personally represented and included by RSE

·         Young people are turning elsewhere to learn: 22% say online options are their main source of information on pornography; 15% say their main source is pornography itself

·         Young people are calling on Government to improve teacher confidence in provision (57%) and flexibility for schools to cover topics at the age that their students need (52%) 

Our 2024 poll concludes with an open question inviting young people to write a message about RSE that they would like to share with the Prime Minister or Secretary of State for Education. Examples of these powerful and varied messages are found within the pages of the report, which can be downloaded below.