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Complaints policy

At the Sex Education Forum (SEF), we are committed to providing high quality services to everyone who encounters us. We are delighted to hear from those who use our services and find them helpful. We are always looking to improve, and we know that sometimes things might happen which make an experience with SEF less positive. If you feel we have not reached the standards you expect; you have felt discriminated against or unsafe; or you have any other feedback, this policy explains what you can do and what will happen in such a case.

Who is this policy for?
This complaints process is for SEF staff, trustees, volunteers, partners, members, training and event delegates, guests, and other organisations that we work with. Any SEF stakeholder is subject to this complaints policy from the moment they engage with us.  If you are a member of staff, you should also refer to the Grievance Policy in the staff handbook. Complaints from members of the public are also covered in this document, see relevant section.

Complaints from our customers about our member benefits, training, events and services

In cases where our member benefits, training and services do not meet the standard you expect, we will use the following framework to understand and address your complaint.

  • Please send an email message addressed to [email protected] outlining your concerns. Include your full name/name of the organisation, a summary of your relationship with SEF, e.g., as a member or training delegate and the nature of your complaint.
  • After your initial contact we aim to get back to you within five working days to confirm that we have received your complaint, and to organise an initial dialogue within 10 working days.
  • The dialogue (which may take place over the phone or email) may be sufficient to resolve the complaint. Further dialogue will be provided if more information is needed so that we can understand how SEF may not have met expectations; discussing what we can do differently in the future to change and improve our services.
  • SEF’s review of a complaint may initiate a review of other relevant information such as event planning processes and discussions with staff members on how we can plan to avoid similar incidents recurring.
  • If appropriate, SEF will communicate with the complainant about changes we have made and to confirm that they feel their complaint has been adequately responded to and a resolution reached. This will be in accordance with the Timeline section (below).
  • If we cannot resolve your complaint through using some/all the processes outlined above, and if deemed necessary, we may refer your complaint to the next meeting of SEF’s Governance Sub-Committee of our Board of Trustees. They will explore the nature of your complaint; why a resolution could not be reached; and if deemed appropriate, set out further proposals to resolve it and discuss these with you.

When a complaint relates to our Members

On joining SEF, Members confirm their agreement with a set of ten values and principles for Relationships and Sex Education.  We have three levels of membership: Supporters, Educators and Partners. All levels of membership are open to join as an individual or as an organisation. There is an application process to join as a Partner.

If a complaint is made about one of our members, we take it seriously. However, this policy does not set out a list of punitive measures but seeks to provide an adaptable framework through which those involved can develop an understanding of their behaviour and be accountable for the impact and harm we can cause others. Where willingness to develop this understanding and accountability is not demonstrated, it may be appropriate to terminate an individual or organisation’s membership or relationship with SEF. This course of action will be a last resort and would follow dialogue to ensure full understanding of our position, but we accept that it may be necessary in very serious cases. Where there is a safeguarding concern, this will take priority.

When a complaint relates to an individual member of SEF staff or trustee
There are sensitivities and responsibilities when complaints relate to an individual member of SEF staff or trustee. The processes are the same as those outlined above, but with particular attention as follows: when making the complaint you may request the email address for the CEO if the complaint is about an individual and not appropriate to email the generic email address. If the complaint is about the CEO, you may request the email address for a Trustee.

Complaints from members of the public
This might relate to complaints about SEF charitable activities, the SEF website or other published material. In cases where a member of the public feels that our public activities do not meet the standard you expect, we will use the following framework to understand and address your complaint.

  • Please send an email message addressed to [email protected] outlining your concerns. Include your full name, a summary of your interest in RSE, e.g., as a parent, as a teacher, as a young person and the nature of your complaint.
  • An initial reply from the SEF will usually be provided within five working days. This is subject to capacity. 
  • Depending on the nature of the complaint, SEF may request further information in order to review the complaint in more detail.
  • SEF will reflect and discuss internally (with staff and trustees – as appropriate) about any learning arising from the complaint and dialogue. 
  • Due to capacity and resources, it is not possible to continue dialogue with members of the public after these steps have been taken.

Record keeping
Clear records will be taken of the procedures carried out and you will receive full details of discussions relevant to your complaints. Proceedings and records relating to complaints, will as far as practical, be kept confidential.


We will deal with complaints on a case-by-case basis but always strive to be prompt and keep you fully updated. We aim to resolve all complaints within 12 weeks of receiving them, but in cases where the complexity of the complaint means that we expect it to take longer we will let you know.

If your complaint is to involve discussion with the board of trustees, we will let you know the date of the meeting when it will be discussed. We will come back to you within 10 working days of that meeting to update you on the discussion. At all stages along the process, if any deadlines cannot be met you will be kept fully informed as to what is happening. 

Variations to the processes outlined above

In some cases, further action may be necessary to identify the accountability mechanisms necessary to resolve a complaint. We have aimed to make this process proportionate to the small number of complaints we receive, and transparent to ensure that everyone knows what to expect.

We will be alert to vexatious and malicious complaints, and if we judge a complaint to fall into these categories, the process outlined above may vary.

What we can’t do
As part of our commitment to transparency, it is important to explain the approach we take and why we cannot act in certain situations. SEF is run by a small team of staff and Board of Trustees and while we will always take your complaints seriously, we want to be realistic about our capacity to carry out (for example) significant vetting, information gathering or interviewing. In the extremely rare cases where this might be necessary SEF may seek independent external support.  Examples of where we will not be able to act include:

  • Investigate complaints relating to the activities, services, publications or resources produced by SEF partners: whilst being accepted as a Partner of the Sex Education Forum grants a level of endorsement by SEF of the Partners’ alignment with our shared values and principles, this does not extend to SEF endorsing Partners’ specific activities, services, publications or resources.
  • Behaviour that has occurred outside of our events or network or that is prior to our formation as an independent charity in 2021 or historic: SEF advocates for an inclusive sector where bullying and discrimination do not happen. However, this complaints policy only applies to SEF activities, services and events. We cannot respond to complaints about other occurrences across the charity / Relationships and Sex Education sector.
  • Complaints that make allegations about opinions but not behaviours: SEF aims to create an environment in which a range of opinions can be heard and where difference of opinions can be respectfully and professionally explored and challenged. If personal opinions are enacted in discriminatory comments, behaviours, or correspondence we will act in line with this policy and SEF’s Values and Principles.

If you are still not satisfied
Finally, as a charity we are regulated by the Charity Commission, so you can also use the Commission’s complaints procedure if appropriate.

Page updated November 2023