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#6 What should be included in our school RSE policy?

Under the new guidance (2019) schools must have a policy on RSE. Primary schools will need to define Relationships Education and define any sex education they choose to teach other than that covered in the science curriculum. Seconcary schools will need to define Relationships and Sex Education. All schools will need to:

  • Set out the subject content, how it is taught and who is responsible for teaching it.
  • Describe how the subject is monitored and evaluated.
  • Include information to clarify why parents do not have a right to withdraw their child.
  • Include information about parent's rights 
  • Confirm the date by which the policy will be reviewed.

Typical policies are likely to include sections covering:

  • details of content/scheme of work and when each topic is taught, taking account of the age of pupils
  • who delivers either Relationships Education or RSE
  • how the policy has been produced, and how it will be kept under review, in both cases working with parents
  • how delivery of the content will be made accessible to all pupils, including those with SEND
  • explanation of a right to withdraw
  • requirements on schools in law
  • how often the policy is updated
  • who approves the policy

Tools that will support you in developing your policy include

- RSE definitions guide (2020) 

- RSE for pupils with SEND - short guide (2020)

- Parental engagement questions (2020) 

- RSE whole-school audit tool (2019)

- RSE Consultation activities toolkit 

-  SRE policy guidance (2014)