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Terms of reference for Partners

The full terms of reference for Partners can be downloaded below. Please read these carefully on becoming a Partner.

Proud to be a Partner logo

As a Partner of the Sex Education Forum you are entitled to display our 'proud to be a partner' logo. 

The 'proud to be a partner' logo is for you to use to display the fact that you are a partner of the Sex Education Forum, so it is ideal to use on your website and other material about your organisation. It should not be used on a specific resource as we are not in a position to endorse specific resources. If in doubt please contact [email protected] to check out specific usage queries. 

So that your audience understands a little more about what partnership means you may like to provide a web-link to the values & principles which all partners are in agreement with, and also the '12 principles' poster

The 'proud to be a partner' logo is available to download below.

Complaints Policy

If at any time, you are unhappy about the membership services that we provide to you, please read our complaints policy here.